Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Shop of the Week - SENSORYFELTEDS!

Presenting a Felter I find to be superb in all aspects of life....

** Check out her etsy shop and read on for a wonderful insight into her world!!!

Here is a fantastic shop I think everyone should check out and get to know! Connie (shop name SensoryFelteds) She creates lovely unique felted bowls, brooches, and more!

Not only does she felt, but all the items have the additional sparkle of beads and bling!

(to the right is Connie's felting area... even the stoarge area looks crisp and bright! There is no way to create the items she does without a smile on her face I am certain of it!

Here's a little bit about Connie:

She began as a dancer, teacher, performer and choreographer. She has been involved in all sorts of crafts like knitting and pottery

Now she wet and needle felts. She has won awards for this wonderful craft!

Connie is a Movement Therapist and works at a school for the deaf here in Maryland. She works with children with disabilities doing yoga and movement activities.

She is a happy grandparent and a beagle!!!

I spent some time in her shop and fell in love with her items and the fact that she has such an interesting life that flows into her crafting... Did you know an item of hers made it into Peacefelt2010? She worked on and "mailed to another felter in New Zealand. This piece was photographed and mentioned in an international felt magazine

Look at how adorable Connie's youngest grandson is! What bright faces the two of them have.

Also check out this cool wall hanging that incorporates her felting... she sent it to me and a seriously considered using the picture as my laptop background.... so beautiful!

Check out some more items in Connie's etsy shop!


  1. What a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing sensoryfelts with us.

  2. Great feature. She has amazing items

  3. Such a great feature! Good job! :D Sensoryfelts is certainly talented.

  4. This is a fantastic blog feature. Personal and oh so enlightening!!!

  5. So jealous of your workspace all nice and organized! Great feature :)

  6. Gorgeous shop!!! This is the first time I see it!!! Love it!!!

  7. Thank you so much for this wonderful feature, Chrissy!
