
Friday, March 18, 2011

New Day and New Eggs

I found that if I blog more often, I think I will feel better about my progress in my Etsy shop regardless of a drop in expected sales. I more designs I come up with the happier I am. I no longer am just repeating the 3 dozen or so designs I have been doing for years, but now in addition I am trying new styles to scratch.

Recently I scratched this cute blue bird about to fly off a branch. I was so pleased with him, I am now trying to find new bird designs I can use to attempt to place on an egg.

I have so far five colors ready to dye. It's Red, True Blue, Patina, Lilac, and Golden Wheat. I hope to do a Mushroom or something else as well in the near future!

Good news! I have over 30 dozen eggs in my possession! I bought about 35 dozen in the grocery store this week because of a wonderful sale they were having! Now, We are at quiche count 4 and will be making more this weekend I hope.

I will have to post again with some quiche recipes were have been using and pictures of the quiche we made. It's a yummy perk to egg scratching!