
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Esty Newsletter and One Year Anniversary

Well two things I would like to post about today!

ONE - It was my one year anniversary on Etsy on February 19, 2011!

TWO - I made it onto the Etsy Newsletter for February 21, 2011!


I was so excited to find out that I was going to be on Etsy for an entire year! No
t only was I happy that I have been a part of the online selling community for a year, but I was also so excited to discover all I have learned as well as grateful for all the people I met.

In true, one year anniversary form, I would like to thank all the people who helped me get this far!

My mom has helped me in more ways than I can express on this blog! She has provided me with packing supplies, materials, egg dye, eggs, ideas, support, and so much more. She checks out my shop and sometimes knows I made a sale before I do. Withour all the help she has given me, I don't think I would have been able to run my online stores while in law school.

My sister Mary has taken me on numerous shopping escapes for craft ideas and items and talks with me on the phone weekly. She gives me ideas, support, and sadly the desire to go to craft stores daily. I am lucky to have such a creative sister who can help
me grow my creativity!

My boyfriend Rob. This guy not only makes earrings for my craft shows, helps me a
t the shows, and lets me steal his car, he is always there as my support to help me get through tough days. He also is my business manager and talks me out of some bad business ideas. Also, he makes sure I don't sell my work short. Sometimes I feel my art isn't wanted and I try to cut prices to where I wouldn't be making any money, and thanks to Rob I haven't revisited that technique in awhile.

Family - My family in general understand how insanely curious I am to try new things, and I'm so lucky they never tried (too hard) to stunt my desires to break into a new craft. I cross stitch, knit, crochet, etch eggs, make cards, and jewelry. In the end, I love every craft I have ever tried and sometimes wish that it would be my sole profession. Regardless what I end up doing in life, I'm glad I got to try everything crafty I wanted to try so far... quilting... hmmmm I want to try quilting!

Etsy Newsletter

After my anniversary came and went, I as a little bummed I did not make it to 100 sales or 1,000 shop hearts. However, my sadness was gone when I saw on the Etsy Newsletter 1-21-2011 my etched egg! I got views, hearts, and even a few sales! I hope the sales and hearts continue as Easter approaches.

Thanks again for reading and I hope you check out my shop sometime!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! And congrats on your Etsy mention! Anytime I can help feed the habit - it is my specialty! ;o)
