I am a professional by day and an avid crafter by night and each weekend!
My mother showed my sisters and I countless types of crafts, art, baking techniques, and more while growing up. As a result, we enjoy baking cookies for no special reason. More importantly, we learned to be fearless when trying something new.
My sisters and I love venturing into new crafts, experimenting when we are curious, and always trying to improve a craft or art we are working on.
I am the youngest of three daughters.
My oldest sister Mary is a photographer, scrapbooking wizard, librarian extraordinaire (always going above and beyond with opening fantasy to children), knitter and crocheter, chef, and more! She will see something she wants to try and has no hesitation is jumping in with both feet.
My second sister, Carol, is the painter and historian of the family. She is fascinated with our Lithuanian heritage, food, art, crafts, and history. She will read about famous people, battles, saints, and culture. She can't wait to take photos of Lithuanian dancing. She also loves to paint icons of saints. This meticulous craft is insanely difficult, but Carol puts the long hours in to slowly progress and improve. She also is known to make a darn good bacon bun and some kick butt kugelis! Carol is also my partner in crime when it comes to baking and cooking new things at home for ourselves or to put on the blog.
My mom, Elaine, does it all! She can cook, bake, sew, knit, crochet, paint (no icons but still), craft all sorts of wonderful items, garden, decorate, and set up spectacular Lithuanian displays. She is the Lithuanian Days museum guru and the Lithuanian straw ornament and drop and pull egg expert. If you want authentic and yummy nut roll, she is your source. If you want melt in your mouth Peanut butter eggs, your search is over. Elaine's creations are second to none.
My dad, Alvin... let's put it like this, his creative skills reside in books, theory, philosophy, law, and common sense. Alvin can't draw his way out of a paper bag! He can however spend over 2 hours talking about the bag, discussing its physical properties, its effect on humanity, and whether or not the philosophy of the bag. After that, he still has time to discuss what we should expect in the world regarding politics and religion.
As for me... well I love being a part of everything my family does. I etch eggs, make cards, crochet, knit, make soap, earrings, and numerous other crafts. My husband Rob is a bagpiper who has fun helping me with all my crazy plans, but keeps me grounded when my plans get a little too grand. He also gives me a run for my money in the kitchen. Truth be told, he sometimes surpasses me, although he will say his meals are better every time.
This blog is for me to share my crafts and my family. Thanks for reading and enjoy!